I logged no build time today. Obviously my hours stayed at 2,000. It is hard with life happening all around me. I got up at 4AM to start the day with a little exercise. After gathering the family for breakfast and getting ready for work it was 6AM before I headed off to work. I got home a little after 4PM and was immediately accosted with pleas for help with the piano and homework and the evening just slipped away. It is now 10PM and I have some church work to do before I head to bed. I am hoping that this blog holds me to the task.
Ken Rand built the first KR in 1972. He and Stu Robinson sold plans under the business Rand Robinson Engineering. They both worked at Douglas Avionics. Stu sold his interest in the business in 1979 and Ken died in a KR2 crash shortly afterwards. His wife Jeannette continued to sell the plans and run the business. I want to follow Ken into the air. He had very little flight time when he test piloted the first KR, about 80 hours. I will probably have less. I do not want to follow him to death, but the reality is that the first time I fly this plane it will be the most dangerous thing I ever do.